It's THAT Time of the Year Again....

No, not buying presents but it is just around the corner....
 But the Cold and Flu season.
 I want to let you in on my secret
Essential Oils!

**Disclaimer, These are the thoughts and opinions of myself and Dean. We are not doctors or a part of the health care system. If you have a medical condition please seek your health care professional.**
(Missing from the picture is Breathe and Frankincense )
Internet meet my oil stash, oil stash meet the internet!
 These just aren't any old oils you can buy at the health food store. These are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade ® (CPTG) oils from doTERRA Essential Oils®

CPTG is a protocol that ensures potency, purity and consistency batch to batch. To learn more details on the testing that ensures CPTG please visit Here

Recently baby girl got a cold which normally for us means spending a couple nights in the living room so she can be propped up so her sinuses don't drain down her nose/throat and cause her to gag on phlegm and /or her nose to stop up to which she cries and screams about. We didn't spend ONE night in living room and no sleep was lost but mine. Why? Cause of these oils!
At the first sign of this cold I put OnGuard and Oregano on the bottoms of her feet. I repeated that every few hours through out the day. This helps stop the cold from getting out of control and getting any bigger. I also put Breathe on her big toes as well as a little on her chest to help her .... Breathe :) 
NOW, on to the phlegm. 
This is our worst enemy when it comes to her. It upsets her world like nothing else. She cries because she can't breathe through her nose and then when cries the more her nose is stopped up. Its a horrible cycle.
Just before this cold struck I was listening to Dr. Sue Lawton about citrus oils and how the help with drainage and drying up phlegm. 

I put coconut oil across the bridge of her nose and on her forehead, I then put on not even a whole drop of Lemon and Lavender across the same area. 
Lemon for drying up the phlegm and the Lavender to help relax her into an easy sleep. 
Did it work? 
Now, I did reapply the Lemon and Lavender half way through the night and she never knew it. I wanted to ensure that she had plenty of snot free sleep as she could get. 
The cold was shortened in lengthen and severity to a max of 3-4 days compared to a normal cold for her which is 7-10 days. I am so amazed with this brand. I could not be happier.   

Oh its just a fluke... 
Nope its not. Dean got the same cold and I did the exact same things with him and it worked again.

So lets sum it up here; 
1. OnGuard & Oregano, on the bottoms of feet
 ( I found the on the spine is a great place as well)
2. Breathe, on Chest and Toes for easier breathing
3.  Lemon and Lavender on Sinus areas to dry up phlegm and relaxation. 
P.S. I applied coconut oil before putting on the Lemon, because it tends to be kind of ouchie on sensitive skin like children. 

Here is where to apply them to the feet for the best results. 

 Happy Oiling!
 If you want to know how to get your own oil stash let me know. I want to help you and your loved ones stay happy and healthy this season! 
   Or you can visit my WEBSITE to purchase your own.
 ( The picture of my oils are the Home Essential Kit,  plus some extras that I have bought along the way to which I LOVE  all of them very MUCH!) 


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