Hello again,

Time seems to always be my enemy with this blog. I never seem to be able to sit down and write something. To do a bit of catch up we didn't move into the house we were working on and returned back to Coshocton county to our previous residence. 

Dean is still working working in the amish country in a factory. Like any other job he doesn't enjoy the long hours or the heat of the place but its a job. But he has good possibilities there even though its not a cooking position.
 We celebrated our fourth anniversary this past month. We went to a bed and breakfast in Loudonville and dined at Malabar Farms restaurant, it was a wonderful two vacation. 

Baby girl has turned three and we are looking at our preschool options that face us this fall. She is so brilliant, we see her having no problems at all with learning new tasks. She is already for preschool. 

Myself, I have discovered many thing in the past year. But mainly that being a mommy is my job and nothing else comes before being wife and mommy. I have started something new very recently. But I'll tell you about that another day.  

The past year has been filled with so much. We have house hunted and hated every bit of it. We have looked at other jobs. We have concluded that we are here because this is where God wants us to be. For how long we don't know. But we are here and we shall thrive! 

Here's a glimpse into our lives as of recently, 

At home playing in her pool with her " babing suit " on. 
July 2013

Bethany's birthday celebration at Tuscora Park, New Philly Ohio
August 2013

CoshoctonCounty Fair, her FIRST pony ride
October 2013

Getting ready to play in the snow
November 2013

With Bethany's grandparents 
Christmas Day 2013 

Valentines Day 2014

Baby Girls 3rd Birthday Party!

She is getting so big!

Easter Sunday 2014

I have more pictures but its not letting me upload them. I will on another post. I can't wait to start blogging more again. I have so much to share with you  but like I said earlier, " time is never on my side. 
So till next time,


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