Whistle While You Work...
And when your done you'll groan in pain. We have been working hard on the house and its been working on us. We have gotten all the of the flooring ripped up. And these are my tools of the day Knee Pads and needle nose pilers. You say "Bethany? What are you doing?" This! BLOODY! HORRIBLE STAPLES ! I pulled hundreds! HUNDREDS! Of staples! And this was just the stair case. Every. single. carpeted. room. was like this. So while I did this method on the stair case, we used a side walk edger (which back in the day in my great-grandma's barn we used one as a manure scraper.) It knocked the staples out pretty well, even though we will still have to go through the house and pull the stragglers. And the discovery of the day while Dean was rolling ...